The Athens-Clarke County Library Board of Trustees establishes policy for use of bulletin boards, brochure racks, galleries, cases and all other display spaces in the Athens-Clarke County Library and all Athens-Clarke County branches. This policy covers all areas of library campuses, including outdoor property, parking lots and grounds.

Complaints about this policy or about the content of any postings, brochures, exhibits or displays at the library should be addressed in writing to the Director of the Athens Regional Library System (ARLS) for local review by the Athens-Clarke County Library Board as outlined on the library’s Request for Reconsideration Form. If necessary, an appeal is heard by the ARLS Board of Trustees. Their decision will be final.

Handouts & Bulletin Board Postings in the Athens-Clarke County Library

In the spirit of community partnerships, the library provides a designated space on a public bulletin board for announcements and notices of local community events. The library also provides literature display racks for distribution of free handouts, notices, and other materials which may be of interest to the community. Both of these services are in keeping with the library’s overall philosophy of providing access to a wide range of information sources.

  • Space is designated in order of priority to:
    1. Athens-Clarke County Library and Friends of Athens-Clarke County Library items.
    2. Athens-Clarke County Unified Government notices and publications.
    3. Other government notices and publications of local interest.
    4. Athens-Clarke County educational institution notices and publications.
    5. Athens-Clarke County non-profit organization materials of local interest.
  • All notices, posters and free literature must be approved, posted, and removed from the bulletin board or display racks by authorized library staff.
  • Staff will discard items not approved for placement, and excess copies of any items received.
  • Event announcements must be for not-for-profit events that are free and open to the public.
  • All items must identify the organization including: name, address, and phone number.
  • Community newsletters, magazines, newspapers, and other publications distributed free of charge (with or without advertising) containing information of local interest will be considered for placement in the designated literature display racks as space allows. Library staff will not be responsible for storing excess copies of these publications.
  • Items will be posted or made available on an equitable basis, subject to available space, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups represented. There will be zero tolerance for materials advocating hate speech, drug use or illegal activities.
  • The library reserves the right to limit the size, number of items, and length of posting. Activities with no specific date will be posted for a period of approximately 14 days, which may be extended if space permits.
  • Forms of literature unacceptable for library posting or display include:
    • Items devoted solely to the sale, advertising, solicitation, or promotion of products or services will not be accepted.
    • Materials whose primary purpose serves as political campaign literature.
    • Materials whose primary purpose serves as religious literature.
    • Personal notices or handouts (roommates, lost pets, free pets, yard sales, etc.)
    • Requests for study participants for medical or other research.
    • Direct requests for contributions not associated with a Library-sponsored or Friends of Athens-Clarke County Library-sponsored event or campaign.
  • Posting of a notice or placement of materials in a display rack does not imply endorsement by library staff or Board of Trustees.

Review Process

  • The ARLS Director reserves the right to review any and all requests for use of public bulletin boards or literature racks and may reject any which he/she deems unsuitable or inappropriate.
    Complaints about this public display and distribution policy or about the content of anything being displayed or distributed there should be addressed in writing to the ARLS Director for local review by the Athens-Clarke County Library Board as outlined on the library’s Request for Reconsideration form.
    If necessary, an appeal is heard by the ARLS Board of Trustees. Their decision will be final.


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