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3D Printers in the Digital Media Center

How to 3D print at the DMC

  • Download / create an .stl file
    • Download a 3D file from an online resource OR…
    • Create a 3D file yourself using CAD software such as Tinkercad, SketchUp, or Blender.
  • Meet the requirements
  • Schedule your print
    • Contact the DMC at 706-613-3650 (x310) or by filling out our appointment / reservation form.
      • A DMC staff member will contact you to set up an appointment.
      • You can also drop-in during DMC staffed hours. However, we cannot guarantee availability of a 3D printer if the printer is already in use. So it is best to make an appointment.
    • We will assist you with your 3D print from start to finish, if needed. Patrons must stay in the library for the duration of their 3D print.
      • Filament colors are limited to what is in stock. We can only use a single color for each object.
      • We only use DMC supplied filament or filament that is the correct brand and size for our printers and in good condition.
  • Pay for your 3D print
    • 3D prints cost $0.15/gram of filament (rounded to the nearest gram).
    • Cash or check only.
      • No charge for failed print, unless the DMC staff determines the failure is caused by a design flaw.
      • Patrons who cancel a print that is printing successfully will be charged for the filament used.

Print Failure & Equipment Damage

3D printers, printer parts, and filament are expensive. Any damage that you cause to the printer itself can result in replacing the entire printer.

  • Print failures caused by a printer malfunction (filament clog or break, extruder malfunction, etc.) will be fixed by the DMC staff. Patrons are not to attempt to repair the printer. The patron may re-print or the patron’s money will be refunded.
  • Print failures caused by a poor design or print process (e.g., print is too fragile or your design contains flaws which prevent successful printing) will be charged for whatever printed. You will need to redesign and correct the design.

Legal Limitations

The 3D printer may not be used for unlawful purposes including, but not limited to, the following content:

  • Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses a threat to the well-being of others (knives, guns, etc.).
  • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights

Supervision of the use of the 3D printer by Library staff does not constitute knowledge, or acknowledgement, of any intended use of the 3D product, and the Library specifically disclaims any knowledge thereof. Patrons may use their 3D objects for purposes other than display at their own risk.


The 3D Printer is located within public view and the Library cannot guarantee that any particular print will not be seen by members of the public.