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GLS Georgia LIbrary Service for the blind and print disabled logoThe Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (GLS) – formerly “GLASS” – outreach services program is now conducted out of the Atlanta office. You can contact GLS at or 1-800-248-6701 to request these services. You can also visit the website

Resources of Interest

Accessibility Tools at the Library

Are you or someone you know print impaired? That means you can’t see well enough to read standard print, hold a book, or turn the pages of a book. If so, use library resources to help with day-to-day chores.

  • The easy-to-use MagniLink Voice text-to-speech converter can read printed text aloud. It’s handy to let visually impaired folks privately check on their bills and other correspondence.
  • A hand-held digital magnifier can be used over reading material and has adjustable screen magnification to suit individual needs.
  • Computer access can be easier with our high contrast keyboards set up in the computer area to make typing easier. The video magnifier, also set up in the computer area, enlarges print that is too small to read and puts it directly onto a computer screen. It’s great for books, magazines, newspapers and more. How to find and use these technical marvels? Check with the upstairs reference desk staff. They are happy to help.

Georgia Radio Reading Service

You may know about Talking Books, a GLS program for print impaired readers, but have you heard about our partner organization, Georgia Radio Reading Service, or GaRRS? Talking Books provide books, magazines and other materials via US mail, mobile app, or download, while GaRRS delivers local information, local and national newspapers and more over a special radio frequency, by telephone, webstream or mobile app.

Volunteers narrate over 200 articles per month, broadcasting 24/7. Persons who qualify for GLS can apply for GaRRS to access up-to-the-minute current affairs and informative quality-of-life programs. Both are free services. For information on GaRRS call 404-685-2820 or 1-800-672-6173, or visit the website at For information about Talking Books, ask your librarian, or visit

U.S. Currency Reader

Telling one bill from another can be an issue for those with limited vision. A system of folding money specific ways to tell the ones from the twenties can help. For instance, $1 bills can be left plain, $5 bills folded lengthwise, $10 bills by width, and $20 bills lengthwise and then by width.

It’s great for paying out, but what about receiving money? The Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the rescue! BEP will provide blind and visually impaired citizens and legal residents a “talking” currency reader at no cost.

Visit the Bureau for Engraving & Printing for an application. You can also call (844) 815-9388 toll-free or email