The Friends is a volunteer organization that supports the library in numerous ways, including author events, programming support, and book sales at the Library.

What do the Friends of the Madison County Library do?

  • Buy new, in-demand items for adults, teens and children
  • Provide quality programming to keep kids reading
  • Fund entertaining and educational events throughout the year such as Summer Reading Program performers.
  • Lobby for funding for enhanced and expanded library services
  • Accept, sort and process donated books for adding to the collection or book sales
  • Provide refreshments for programming and supplies / crafts for children’s and adult programming
  • Fund travel mileage and support continuing education for library staff
  • Purchase additional equipment and necessary tools for staff
  • Conducts a holiday market and book sales


  • Jennifer Ivey, President
  • Carley Stewart, Vice-President
  • Stephanie Neal, Past President
  • Marianitta Byrd-Skelton, Secretary
  • Sara Carter, Treasurer
  • Edith Brown, Fund-raising
  • Ann Davis, Membership
  • Vacant, Program and Publicity

Поддерживать нас

Хотели бы вы принять участие в улучшении своей библиотеки? Есть много способов, которыми вы можете помочь: от добровольной помощи до присоединения к организации «Друзья библиотеки» и до внесения финансового вклада.