Oh Canada! A Timely Travelogue with Mark Willis
Athens-Clarke County Library
2025 Baxter Street • Athens, Georgia • 706 613 3650 x343
Tuesday, July 24, 7:00 pm
Our neighbor to the north, which has been much in the news lately, is a beautiful and vast country. Canada shares an 8,890 km border with the United States, the longest border in the world not patrolled by military forces; the overwhelming majority of its population lives within 300 km of the border. Canadians have crafted a model multicultural society, welcoming immigrant populations from every other continent. In addition, Canada is home to a wealth of natural resources and intellectual capital.
Join us at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, July 24, in the library’s auditorium for a talk by Mark Willis on Canada’s 10 provinces and 3 territories as well as a brief history of the “Great White North.” Its majestic countryside, along with major cities and culture will be shown in slides that depict a country of rugged variety with many colorful attractions.
Mark was born in Seattle, but grew up in the Midwest. He met his wife Hilde as an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, and later was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam era. After serving two years, he returned to Chicago, where he completed a graduate degree. Mark worked for Morton Salt for thirty years; then he and Hilde settled to Athens in 2007 and have enjoyed the University town atmosphere, the warmer winters and the friendly folks! Mark’s hobby is doing botanical watercolors.