Our seed library at the Athens-Clarke County Library allows patrons to check out a packet of seeds, plant them, and let some of them go to maturity. You then harvest that next generation of seeds, and return them to the library so other people can check them out!
Here’s how it works:
- The seed library is a four-drawer decorated filing cabinet with two drawers for vegetables, one for flowers, and one for herbs/other located on the 2nd floor in the reference area.
- No library card is required.
- Patrons should limit taking 10 packets of seeds per person per day.
- Patrons should “check out” seeds in the purple notebook beside the seed library.
- Patrons should put seed donations in the bottom drawer of the seed library. We are currently not taking any other type of donation (soil, pots, plants, etc.).
- There is a giant box of free peat pots next to the seed library. Patrons can take as many as they want, and don’t have to “check them out”.