Revenge of The Creeps event flyer

Listening in The Dark VI: Revenge of The Creeps

Tracy Adkins
Jacqueline Elsner
Kelly McGlaun-Fields
Eddie Whitlock
Candace Wiggins

아테네-클라크 카운티 도서관
2025 박스터 스트리트
Athens, Georgia
706 613 3650 x343

Wednesday, October 30, 7:00 pm

Listening in the Dark VI: Revenge of The Creeps: An Evening of Spooky Stories for Grownups will take place on Wednesday, October 30 at 7 p.m. in the Appleton Auditorium. Join us… if you think you can handle it! Librarians and other literary types will curl your hair with original and traditional horror stories: Ghosts of Athens author Tracy Adkins will read shocking segments from her book, Athens-Clarke County Library volunteer Coordinator Eddie Whitlock will convey an original scary short story, Kelly McGlaun-Fields returns with an unearthly tale, Candace Wiggins delivers an eldrich original piece and retired librarian Jacqueline Elsner tells a ghostly narrative. Other spirits may appear.

Tracy L. Adkins is the author of Ghosts of Athens: History and Haunting of Athens, Georgia (2016). She is currently working on a sequel, More Ghosts of Athens, as well as the upcoming book, Ghosts of Asheville (2020). She is an enthusiastic member of the board of the Friends of the Winterville Library. Other hobbies include writing narrative fiction, poetry, screenplays, and software instructions.

Jacqueline Elsner enjoyed over forty years of library storytelling before her retirement from the Athens Regional Library System in 2014. Occasionally she now tells Appalachian and Cherokee stories  and sings ballads to guests at the Len Foote Hike Inn in Amicalola Falls State Park, GA. Her CD Ballad of The Bones: Byron Herbert Reece Poems Sung as Ballads helps preserve and promote the legacy of Georgia’s mountain poet.

Kelly McGlaun-Fields is an artist and actor who has appeared on screen, film & stage, locally with Rose of Athens and Town and Gown, and entertains children as Grandmother Goose. She is a doll collector, and is retired from the GA Department of Human Resources.

Eddie Whitlock manages the Library Store and coordinates volunteers for the Athens-Clarke County Library.  He is the author of two books: Evil is Always Human (2012) and POTUS of the Living Dead (2014). He is currently working on a sequel to his first novel.

Candace Wiggins first published in the online crime zine, “Hardluck Stories”; while writing art and movie columns for various newspapers and working at CNN, TBS and Reuters. She has stories in anthologies from Planet X Publications, including “The Phantasmagorical Promenade”; “Strange Stories From the Sea”; “Test Patterns: Weird Westerns”; and many others. She’s had stories published in The AWA Collective straight outta Athens, Georgia and co-wrote a script, “Eidolon”.

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