Title: ARLS Regional Policy: Confidentiality
Prepared by: Valerie Bell, The Resource Team, Branch Managers – 4/1/2024
Submitted to: ARLS Policy Committee – 4/10/2024
Approved by: ARLS Board of Trustees – Date: 1/24/1996, Revised 4/18/2024

In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 24-12-30, circulation and other similar records which identify a library user are not public records and are maintained as confidential information, except in the following cases as provided by 24-12-30:

1. ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS. Library staff may use circulation and other personal information only to conduct library business.

2. WITH WRITTEN CONSENT. A patron may send written consent for the release of information regarding their records. For cards held by minors, the parent or legal guardian as noted in the PINES account may send written consent regarding a child’s record.

a. In the case of a parent or legal guardian requesting information about their child’s account, information may only be shared with the parent/guardian listed on the child’s account. This information may be reviewed by the patron/parent by logging in to the child’s account on the PINES website.
b. Other parents, guardians, or caregivers may be granted this information with written consent of the parent/guardian on file as stated above.
c. Parents & legal guardians may be asked to confirm identifying information about their child (name, birthday, etc.) before library staff share information.

3. COURT ORDER OR SUBPOENA. All court orders and subpoenas which are submitted to the library will be referred to the Athens Regional Library System’s Director, regardless of whether the documents were initially delivered to a branch. The director will respond in accordance with applicable law.

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