Materials Services provides the means of access to the Library’s collections. Materials Services encompasses the acquisitions, collection development, Interlibrary Loan, automation, technology and technical services activities for the Athens Regional Library System. These services include, but are not limited to, supervision of the selection of materials, cataloging, classifying and processing, data base maintenance, technical support, book repair, vendor relations, and collection weeding.

Computer support services are the responsibility of the Materials Services team. The Library Systems Administrator manages the library’s primary automated system by functioning as the systems operator for the main computer and manager of the library’s computer database. Hardware and software evaluation, installation and repair are all part of this service provided to all areas of the library and its branches.

Anglo-American Cataloging Rules will be followed for cataloging all materials. The Dewey Decimal Classification Schedules and the Library of Congress Subject Headings are the sources used to determine classification numbers and subject headings.



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