Archive for the ‘Madison County Library’ Category

Woman on phone sitting on floor surrounded by cardboard boxes. Text reads "Your business, your library, and you." Tools for Starting & Running Your Business

If you’re a small business owner, or hope to be, you know that starting and running that business requires plus >

Three photographs of families in a grid with text overlay "Your Library: The Perfect Homeschool Resource" Homeschool Resources

If you’re a parent that homeschools your children or has a child that needs a little additional help with their plus >

woman reading on tablet Quick Guide to Library eBooks

The Athens Regional Library System offers patrons several ways to enjoy free digital eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more with a plus >

Woman sitting in library flipping pages of a book. Explore Local History at the Madison County Library

Have you ever been curious about the history of Madison County and your family’s place in it? The library is plus >

arls hearing loop logo Athens Regional Library System Announces Assistive Hearing Technology in Meeting Rooms

Athens Regional Library System now offers assistive hearing technology with Listen EVERYWHERE hearing loops in select locations.

plus >

Librarian handing a patron a Chromebook and smiling Chromebooks Available to Borrow

Need a laptop for work or school? Check one out from the library! Thanks to a grant from the plus >

Meet the Staff: Kerry Cavanaugh

Kerry Cavanaugh retired from being an elementary school teacher in Athens-Clarke County. Kerry is a “Yankee”, originally from New York plus >

Hannah holding a book Apprenez à connaître le personnel de la bibliothèque : Hannah Wolff

Mme Hannah est spécialiste des enfants à la bibliothèque du comté de Madison. Elle travaille dans des bibliothèques depuis près de neuf ans maintenant, plus >


Aimeriez-vous participer à l'amélioration de votre bibliothèque ? Il existe de nombreuses façons d'aider, du bénévolat à l'adhésion aux Amis de la bibliothèque en passant par une contribution financière.