Submit your recipes to the Athens-Clarke County Library community cookbook — Novel Dishes: All 2gether

There are no rules! Share your favorite family recipes. We will take them in any format as long as they are legible and standard measurements are used. We all love grandma’s secret recipe, but a pinch and a pat is difficult to recreate, so please share recipes with either imperial (1 tsp, 1 cup, 8 ounces) or metric (300 grams, 25ml) system standards.

Max. Dateigröße: 50 MB.
Please upload only a document, pdf, or image file.
Max. Dateigröße: 50 MB.
Copyright sharing
When submitting recipes to the ACCL Cookbook Club Cookbook the user is giving permission to the Athens-Clarke County Library to duplicate and publish the submitted recipe. The Athens-Clarke County Library will publish the recipe with the submitted title, author, and any photos received from the user. By submitting the user agrees to share literary copyright with the Athens-Clarke County Library. All recipes will be attributed according to the information provided.

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