Stories Told: Artist’s Talk/Workshop by Susan Pelham
Athens-Clarke County Library
2025 Baxter Street
Athens, Georgia
706 613 3650
Artist’s Talk/Reception: Monday, July 19 2021 • 6:30 pm Multipurpose Room B
Exhibition: July 7—August 29, 2021 • Quiet Gallery
Monroe Artist Susan Pelham will be showing her work in the library’s Quiet Gallery during the months of July and August, and will be giving a talk on her work and leading an all-ages workshop in the art of collage in Multipurpose Room B on Monday, July 19 2021 at 6:30 pm. Ms Pelham graduated from Florida State University in 1963 with a degree in Fine Art; her major was in Painting with a minor in Art History. Twenty years later she spent three months in London updating her Art History at Sotheby’s Styles in Art course.
Lately, Susan’s interest in art has shifted from painting primarily in oils to exploring mixed media collage. Her collages often develop themes from Renaissance painting to 20th century folk art, but always with playful visual puns.
Ms Pelham: “Magic Realism of the 1940s in painting intrigued me when I was a student at FSU. I liked the work of Cadmus, Tooke, Albright, and Hopper. Only recently have I begun to explore Magic Realism in my own work. Often nursery rhymes, Haiku, Limericks, and children’s camp songs inspire the subject of a collage.“
The exhibition and Artist’s Talk / Workshop are free and open to the public.