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Become a Recommending Reader

Group of four young women reading books togetherOne of our favorite things about serving as your public library is that we get to talk with you about what books and movies you’ve been enjoying. If you’re someone who likes to recommend reads or watches to others, learn about some library features and resources which may help your suggestions go farther!

Share Your Suggestions

Share Book Lists in PINES

Your PINES account lets you create shareable lists of books and movies in the online PINES catalog, like this one for Pulitzer Prize: Fiction Winner books from 2014-2024. When someone clicks on the link for your list, they’ll be taken to the PINES catalog where they can immediately request copies of each title you’ve added. This feature is great for sharing your Top Ten Reads of 2024, or for preparing the books your book club will be reading next year, or for keeping track of which novel you have to read next in your 54-part series! Learn how to create lists using this tutorial from PINES..

Share Reviews on BeanstackLogo for Beanstack with heart

You might know Beanstack as our reading challenge app that’s been a great way to track your 1000 Books Before Kindergarten or summer reading. Beanstack is also a great way to share book reviews with your friends, family, and neighbors! When you log your reading (whether it’s for a reading challenge or not), you’ll be prompted to leave a book review. Then, others in your age group can see your review in the Discover tab of the app. You can also add your friends in Beanstack and see how your reading stats compare! Join us on the Beanstack app.

Share Recommendations with Us

Our staff work diligently each month to find great titles to add to our collection, but we know we don’t know about them all! If you’ve got a title you’d like to recommend to your local library branch, submit a Purchase Suggestion Form on our website. We review these suggestions regularly, and try to purchase as many as possible!

Get Suggestions for Yourself

Get Reviews in NoveList PlusLogo for NoveList Plus

From our Resources page, NoveList Plus is a database where you can find read-alikes, genre suggestions, book lists, and more. You can also discover your own reads by using their Appeal Mixer to list what kinds of stories you like. Each book listing includes professional reviews, lists of awards won or mentions in the media, read-alike titles and authors, and a link to that title in the PINES catalog.

Get Emails from NextReadsLogo for NextReads, with text "Meet your next read."

One of the easiest ways to get new recommendations is to subscribe to one of the NextReads newsletters! Choose from any of the 20 subjects, and you’ll get a monthly email listing new releases in that genre or subject area. From the email you’ll be able to navigate directly to that book’s entry in PINES to place it on hold or add to a list for reading later.