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Author Talk with Rebecca McCarthy

mccarthy book coverLocal author Rebecca McCarthy will discuss her new book, Norman Maclean: A Life of Letters and Rivers at the Athens-Clarke County Library on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Maclean, author of A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, gained fame following the film adaption of his book. McCarthy’s portrait of Maclean draws on her long friendship with the author from the time she became a student at the University of Chicago through the rest of his life. McCarthy’s experiences intertwine with stories from friends, family, colleagues, and others to detail an incredibly rich life that seemed destined to remain divided―until the creation of his classic American story. A short Q&A session will follow her talk.

Rebecca McCarthy has spent her career as a reporter, including 21 years at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution winning national and state awards for her writing. As a freelance writer, she has written for The New York Times, Fast Company, Woman’s Day, Audubon, and more.

This event is co-sponsored by Avid Bookshop. Books will be available for purchase and signing.