The library is always eager to provide tours of our facilities. All tours are conducted between the hours of 9-5. Adult tours are arranged by the public relations specialist or branch manager.

Class tours usually consist of an overview of the children’s section of the library, a sharing of literature through storytelling or book-talking, and the check out. Class tours do require prior booking to allow for proper staff preparation and scheduling. These tours are arranged either by the children’s or young adult areas depending upon the age of the children.

Class tours fulfill several purposes: 1) for children to become familiar with the library environment and feel comfortable there 2) for sharing literature and information from materials owned in our collection 3) for allowing children the library experience of finding and checking out a book.

Library tours should include information on:
Library hours
Library cards
Responsibility of borrowing library materials
Library fines
Types of materials and services available at the Library
Programming conducted by the Library
Circulation procedures
Use of automated card catalog
During the visit conduct a tour of the facility to include (if appropriate):
Children’s area
Circulation Desk
غرف الإجتماعات
YA/AV area
Talking Book Center
Reference area
Learning Center
Heritage Room
Adult Fiction
Adult Non-Fiction
Before a group leaves the Library make sure that:
Everyone has a library card or has obtained a library card.
Everyone has been encouraged to check out library materials.
Books marks are distributed if available.


هل ترغب في أن تكون جزءًا من تحسين مكتبتك؟ هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكنك من خلالها المساعدة ، من التطوع بوقتك إلى الانضمام إلى أصدقاء المكتبة إلى تقديم مساهمة مالية.