Spooky Party at Lay Park Resource Center

Black background, pink smoke, pink branches, and pink spider

After School Party at Lay Park

This week the library is hosting a Wednesday Addams themed party for the after school program! The students will enjoy a scavenger hunt, pin the hand on the Wednesday, cookie decorating and a screening of the animated movie! Our after school kids have been working hard all year long and this special requested party will be the icing on the cookies they deserve! Follow us on our facebook page, @layparkresourcecenter, to see fun pictures.


هل ترغب في أن تكون جزءًا من تحسين مكتبتك؟ هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكنك من خلالها المساعدة ، من التطوع بوقتك إلى الانضمام إلى أصدقاء المكتبة إلى تقديم مساهمة مالية.